Artworks / Writings
“Golden Proportion” isa work that combines performance and video. A golden pin 24cm long, which is the length of my head, is hammered by me and extended to a length of 164cm which is the height of my whole body. In repeating this bodily activities that is nearly unconscious, my body, as the subject of experience, experiences the hammering action which involves sight, sound and the overall coordination of body motion. At the same time, this also causes the gold to change its physical state. It becomes thinner, longer and more fragile. A close-up video projection documenting the scene when the hammer strikes the golden pin is enlarged and projected as a background for the performance. I attempt to use media and imagery to provide a reading from another point of view.
Gold has a substantial and global value. It is a symbol of majesty and wealth throughout the world over ages. In Europe in the Middle-age, alchemists believed that through the mystic process of metallurgy, they could turn lower value metal into gold. Besides material value, gold also had spiritual value. The alchemists called it the ‘Philosopher’s Stone’. The transformation of material also transformation of spirit. The ancient Greeks also devised a system for the calculation of proportion. It was based on strict observation, analysis and synthesis of nature which they believed to be the most perfect and harmonious. It was known as the “Golden Proportion”. These examples reflect the rich and unique cultural implication of gold and also underlie the selection of the material for the work
In addition to all the values and meanings given by culture, gold, as a material, also has very specific physical characteristics. Gold has a very high extensibility. A small piece of gold can be struck into a very thin gold foil. “Golden Proportion” begins with experiencing the physical characteristics of gold. Through the senses and the activities of the body, it makes use of physical changes to symbolize a pursuit for a model of metaphysical perfection – the golden proportion in ancient Greek. It is also a relationship between perception and conception. This relationship takes place on my body and is also projected for the perception of the audience through sound and image. The golden pin was hammered from the length of my head to the height of my whole body. The ratio of my head and body is 1:6.833…… (different from the golden proportion of ancient Greek which is 1:1.618……). By undertaking this prosect, I redefine myself as a perfect model of an independent individual. This can also be regarded as an affirmation of individuality.
黃金具有實質的普遍價值,古今中外都是尊貴和財富的代表。在中世紀的歐洲,鍊金術士相信可以透過神秘的提鍊過程,將平價的金屬轉化成黃金,這種黃金更具有物質以外的精神價值,鍊金術士稱之為「哲人之石」Philosopher’s Stone,物質的轉化,同時是精神的轉化。古希臘人亦將一套透過對大自然觀察、分析與綜合所得;被認定為最完美和諧的比例法則定名為「黃金比例」,皆反映了黃金豐富獨特的文化意涵,亦構成物料在作品中的象徵意義。
撇除所有文化賦予的價值和意義,黃金作為一種物質,亦有其物理的特性。黃金具有極強的延展性,一小片黃金可以捶打成極薄的金箔。《黃金比例》從經驗黃金的物理特性開始,藉身體感官與活動,以物理的改變喻示一種對形而上完美典範(古希臘的黃金比例)的追求,是感官與概念之間的一段歷程。這段歷程在我身上發生,亦同時透過聲音、影像投射到觀眾(他者)的知覺之中。黃金棒由我頭部的高度,被捶打至全身的高度,頭身比例是1:6.833 …(有別於古希臘黃金比例1:1.618 …),以此重新定義我作為獨立個體自身的完美典範,又可作為對個體性individuality的肯定。